Catastrophic Failure Of Care

Below is what we ended up sending to our GP, NHS Grampian, Nuffield Brighton, our MSP and a few others… Each getting added contextual information. How the hell this came about, we are several days later, still unclear. Nobody will give us a straight reason at this time. For now, we try to hold it together, fight on. Try to seek answers to stop our future treatment failing again or being prejudiced based on them thinking we must have done something to deserve this....

April 17, 2024 · 10 min · COTH

Autism over the years, why does it get harder and not easier?

We have been musing and ruminating on why some aspects of our life have got harder over the years. After all, it is not like the pre/post autism diagnosis us are different beings pivoting on that external validation. We haven’t suddenly gone, “Oh, we are autistic, we should now find X difficult”. Certainly, there is plenty that we have always found difficult or tiring, that we can subsequently frame in the language of autism to help explain and understand....

February 18, 2022 · 5 min · COTH

Neurodivergence & Shamanic Relation

World Tree, split into the three realms. (Click to enlarge) So, this is likely to be deeply intertwined with our thoughts on ritual/instinctive magic, and our complicated relationship with various ontological/philosophical schools of thought and how we reconcile various aspects of spiritual/occult practice with scientific method and logic. That said, we feel that deserves a proper examination at a later date. Suffice it to say, for now, we watch science and religion being invoked with the same fervour and blind obedience and lack of personal critical examination....

November 11, 2021 · 7 min · COTH

Are we autistic?

Now there’s a question that is very dependent on who you are asking internal/external, and when you are asked the question. TLDR: It is probably useful to think of at least some of us within our system in those terms. We have a developing understanding of this, and feel that it is a sub-optimal description, and that we may have just developed through environmental pressures to exhibit autistic traits. But we are open to the idea pre-assessment....

September 14, 2021 · 10 min · COTH

Approaching an actual autism assessment

How we got here Roughly 7 months ago, we were made aware of the newly formed Adult Autism Assessment team for our health board area by our GP. Now we have had a very mixed (mostly bad) experience with the GP surgery, but this was genuinely useful and much appreciated. So we ended up being given a self referral form, and the contact details of the Adult Autism team. Guess the question of why....

September 14, 2021 · 6 min · COTH